The Big Reveal. Compact Longslide (CL) Frames. Today is Appropriate...PLEASE READ!
What if I told you...?
PF45 Rear Rails anybody?
Rear Rails are in stock! Not a Joke! Unless you got this an hour ago...
Rear Rails are NOT in Stock...AGAIN....and we are sorry....
And we are back! Barely....but with LOTS of NEW products!
ROOK Tactical - Closed Jan17th-20th!
If you are receving this e-mail...its already too late.
ROOK Tactical on Sort of Mars Podcast!
ROOK Tactical - CLOSED
P940C/Strike80 Compact Front Rails in Stock Now!
Rear Rails are not in stock!
Well that was an interesting day...Please Read. ROOK.
ROOK Tactical Black Friday SALE! 2PM CST Start!
What's the frequency? Not enough apparently....
Hope Y'all Are Ready! I know we aren't!
Blocks Delayed - Will Be Friday or Saturday at the earliest!
Glocktober? Yeah We are a little Late!
Rear Rails Back in Stock a FEW (12) Front Rails and some OEM GLOCK Parts TOO!
ROOK Tacticals Canceled NRA Show Sale! Oh and that whole Labor Day thing too....