Well folks yesterday we received order number One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy Six (1776 for those of you who can't read yet.)
This is a big deal. ROOK Tactical after all at our core represents the freedom that was fought for, won, and declared that very July 4th.
But "Wait!" you say! "You're a redcoat! An original traitor! How can you possibly understand these freedoms our countrymen fought and died for?"
Indeed! However I now have the ability to give away free(dom) stuff to celebrate milestones so that's exactly what we did. We had no agenda, no list of eligible people, it was just a whoever gets it gets it! So I would like y'all to celebrate and congratulate a Mr. J M from Florida. Name kept secret for obvious reasons. He was a first time customer no less but was order number 1776, and thanks to his fortunate timing on ordering his front locking block and rear rails, he received the following extra goodies in his package!
1 x ROOK Tactical Polymer 80 Dimpled Pin Kit
1 x ROOK Tactical OEM Upgrade Safety Plunger
1 x ROOK Tactical MultiCam Hat
2 x ROOK Tactical Tacticool Koozies. (His and Hers in FDE and White)
1 x Upgrade to Priority Shipping

So there you have it they say nothing in life is free but sometimes it is! Enjoy your swag J.
In other news we are planning on having a sale of sorts for Labor day but still trying to figure out the details. We may offer package deals with rails, pins and other items ROOK makes bundled for a discount.
I can tell you we do have a few NineX19 vapor slides in stock in both FDE and Black and those will be going up at some point this weekend so it's worth keeping an eye out for when that is.
Essentially we were all ready to be at the NRA show down in Houston this coming weekend but that was canceled but now we are having an "NRA show didn't happen sale" with some freebies to give away. There may be some random hats in orders - there will definitely be some koozies, and as always...stickers....
We are out of stock of G17/G19/G26 rear rails but it will be temporary as we expect delivery in the next day or two.
G17/PF45 front rails unfortunately will not start arriving for another 2-3 weeks as you hooligans cleaned us out faster than expected. So we placed a bigger order lets see how long these ones last!
G26/SC Front rail Final Prototypes should arrive in the next day or two and we are still hoping to hit production before the end of the month of September.
That's all I got we will drop another blog with sale details later this week.