ROOK Tactical will be taking a few days off this week and weekend for a little bit of R&R and thus we will not be shipping over the weekend from Friday until next Tuesday. Also we will will not have the rear rails back in stock until next Wednesday at the earliest. So the sets I am putting up this evening are the last ones for at least a week, but they will all ship out by Thursday if not sooner.
Got 60 sets in. Wonder how fast they will go.
Thanks again everybody for all your loyalty and support. It's been a crazy crazy year so far! The rest of 2021 will see us finish out the rails for all Polymer 80 Chassis. The G26 front rails are scheduled to arrive next week when I get back from Vacation and then they will go in my personal SC build and a a set will be sent up to our Beta Tester for approval before deployment. He's way better at testing than I am so it's his call if they get pushed out you can blame him.
I am hoping to have some time tomorrow to finish out the PF9SS rails, and in reality it's just the rears that need some adjusting but maybe we can get the new 3D prints going while we rest over the weekend and come back strong next week.

We have a couple of big ideas on the docket for 2022 and so we will be working hard and hibernating over the winter months to make those items a reality.
For those of you who may be attending the NRA show in Houston next month we unfortunately will not have a booth, but we will be there look for the guys in the ROOK Tactical Hats which you can still find here trust me they are awesome:
If you spot us and say the secret codeword "Checkmate" then you may just score yourself some free swag!!
Thanks as always for Gettin ROOK'd
ROOK Tactical.
Also can't wait for the PF9SS rails.
I can't wait for the pf9ss rails. Will these also fit the ss80?