Short and Sweet this evening it's movie night with the Wife!
Rear Rails back in stock - got 100 sets get them before they are gone!
Found a few of the PF940C/Strike80 aka G19Front rails knocking about once these are gone it will be 3-4 weeks before we get more
OEM Glock parts Just Arrived!
G42 Slide Stop Lever with spring - GLSP33272
G42 Extractor Depressor Plungers - GLSP33185
G21 Gen 4 Reversible Magazine Catches - GLSP08795
Standard Glock OEM Gen 4 Reversible Magazine Catches - GLSP07534
OEM Glock Polymer Rear 6.9mm Sights - GLO-196
OEM Glock Polymer Rear 6.1mm Sights - GLSP00154
Free Koozie with any purchase!
Have a great weekend everybody.