For Christmas!!! Okay be honest - who panicked?
Y'all! This has been an amazing year - I know we have said it before but we can't even begin to thank everybody for the support, understanding, patience, advice, feedback (both good and bad), encouragement and most of all your patronage and faith.
The culmination of this year resulted in something big, no huge, happening today literally one year to the day since we started cutting chips on items with vendors. I'll get to that here in a minute.
I promise you there has been sweat, blood and some tears during this journey, but I am pretty elated that it is just beginning and you guys are along for the ride.
When people talk about how much effort it takes to get something like this off the ground they aren't kidding, it's all true. It's 12:24am and I just finished the last of the shipments from the rails we dropped on the 15th. Been going non-stop since 8am this morning working a lot of different angles, and I am quite literally toast. It honestly feels like I have been going non-stop since our first sale in January.
So it's time for a little rest. I took the whole week off from my day job and we (my wife and business partner included) are taking the whole week off from ROOK Tactical. I love and appreciate Daniel Defense's approach to this. To be honest, IF this crazy ride does continue to plan, I` will ensure that ALL our employees have the whole week of Christmas off every year, and I promise they will be paid for it and it won't count against their PTO.
They will have this blog etched in the eternity that is the internet if I ever waiver.
So with this I promise there will be no rail drops this week, no sneaky surprises. All e-mails, messages and needs will be generally ignored - outside of maybe warranty issues as I can't stand to leave those outstanding, its just customer service, and I need people to be happy. No seriously though I promised my wife. So please - be understanding and patient. If I do happen to sneak a look and see an issue I may just direct you here please don't be mad. ROOK will "Return to the Office" on December 27th and probably play catch-up for a few days before a large drop. Wait...what was that last part?
Well wait there may be one surprise during the break, but it won't be any kind of product. It rhymes with DodFast - annnddd...that's all I can say.
We will be back after the Christmas weekend with something I can promise you that. ROOK will have a ton of new product variations and some cool NEW items coming into stock including one other surprise that's fun.
What does 2022 hold? Well lets just say this "Hurco CNC Machine making chips go brrrrrrrrr"
My Christmas present is shown below - achievement...unlocked....
Love Y'all.

Re: The Herco. Is that "sea-wiz" brrrrrrrrrrr? Look forward to the new stuff. Merry Christmas to you guys! Steve
Merry Christmas to you and yours. Thank you for making p80s worthwhile!
Merry Christmas Peter ! I hope you enjoy your time off.
To all the hard working people at ROOK TACTICAL.. Enjoy your time off.!! You guys definitely deserve some time off to enjoy the Christmas holiday with your friends and family. I personally would like to thank you for really striving to produce top notch parts for all of us.!
God Bless you guys and everyone at ROOK TACTICAL.
Mary Christmas.
S. Starr
P.S. Congratulations on the Awesome CNC Machine.!!
Merry Christmas Pete, and everyone in the community!!