Hey Y'all -
Just a quick note to let you know that we will be closed for the next few days. Need to spend some quality time with the family before school kicks off again and the UNO goes into production and all life as we know it stops. So we will be avoiding the shop like the plague and cooling off in the pool in this Texas heat.
So once this e-mail is sent nothing will ship until Monday the 24th of July . However we are taking 15% off everything in the store for the duration of our down-time so make the most of it. Still some bargains to be found in the Pawn Shop. Now even more of a bargain with an EXTRA 15% off!
As a quick update on the UNO we are very close to finishing out the final prototype and hope to be into production in August. On the initial prototype we ran into a few issues that we were just not happy with and did not want to ship something out that was not top notch quality so we went back to the drawing board to fix all the issues found. While this is not its final form as you can see it has evolved. Flushing all the bolts and adding some lightening cuts along with a slightly different holding mechanism for the frames were the main changes. As always we are not going to take any pre-orders as we want to build this on our dime not the customers. Interest is high, and we just don't want to disappoint with an inferior product. This will be a sturdy lifetime jig that can be adapted to other frames as they hit the market.

We have a few other projects in the works also with one of them being a game changer, and some collaborations with other industry figures that will bring lots of exciting things starting soon.
Love Y'all - See ya next week!