Hey Y'all
Just wanted to shoot out a quick update on a couple of things. It's been a pretty exciting week!
ROOK Tactical had some parts featured in this quarters edition of UN12 magazine and we think this is pretty amazing! They used our TiN Smooth Operator safety plunger, guide rod, guide rod adaptor and Nomad 9 Specific Pins in what they called their non-GLOCK, GLOCK build. Utilizing a NOMAD 9 Frame mixed with some other Zaffiri Precision parts on top. It's a pretty sweet build and again we are super excited and grateful to be able to be featured in such an established magazine. If you see it please pick up a copy, and please tag us when you see us as you may get a surprise! They also featured our rails in their "New Products Section" so keep an eye out!
ROOK Tactical will be attending TriggrCon next week in Kansas:
If you are attending make sure you keep an eye out for me in my ROOK Shirt or Hat and if you spot me or snag me I will have some free swag for some lucky people. Maybe even some rails!
About those rails - Just as an FYI we have about 70 sets of rear rails for the PF940S/SC/V2/Strike80 left in stock - once they are gone we will be out for a while. We have had them in stock for over two weeks and we need to make a manufacturing switch to push out some PF45 rears (yes they will be coming soon). So once they are gone they may be out for a month or two. We may have to also add a small price increase as we are currently seeing material costs rise by 50-150%. That's double or more just for the bar we make these from. So I would suggest if you are thinking about picking some up you do so now. We will try to keep them the same price but with that much increase in material costs (due to the energy crisis in Europe mostly) we may be left with no choice. But hey maybe if they build more windmills..........
We still have ALL other front rails we currently make in stock including the newly released SC front rails. So pick up a set of those if you haven't yet. The lucky winner of our recent contest @dremelsmith dropped the ones he won into the newly developed Mav9SC frame that's 3D Printed, and according to him they were a perfect fit and ran like butter! We will probably link out to that frame on the product page once it is considered ready for production.
Last but not least we still have ALL OEM GLOCK Parts on sale for 12% off and we are going to discount the front rails we have in stock 10% including the SC rails!
Love Y'all
Ya 336 ejector has been hard to get BECAUSE NO ONE WANTS ONE!!!! LOL Everyone make sure to grab 30274 or clone to replace 336 if you have
Rats, was hoping to se an update saying 45 Rails NOW IN STOCK! Keep up the cool stuff. Fun to see that build featured.