That soon you will be able to buy a Polymer80 kit with the ROOK Tactical rails already in the box?
Would you believe me?

We are still a few weeks out on having enough rails to fill the boxes we have on hand currently but believe me when I tell you. You are not going to want to miss this one.
There will be more breadcrumbs and details about exactly what you get in the box as things progress. You didn't think it was just going to be only rails and locking blocks did you?
For now though we DO have some PF940C/CL/SC/V2/STRIKE80 Rear rails to put in stock. They will be in stock at the time of this e-mail/blog drop!
We also strangely still have some NineX19 Vapor slides in stock - are you guys asleep at the wheel or what? Battleworn Grey with a Black Barrel they look pretty sweet!

There is a pretty decent re-stock of OEM GLOCK parts including 9mm OEM safety plungers with springs! Those things have been hard to find for a while so stock up while you can! Managed to score a FEW GEN 5 Firing Pin Assemblies. so get those while you can too!
We all know what may or may not be coming and I think its always prudent to stock up on spares and of course parts for more builds.
BACK-IN-STOCK Notifications are back online!
You should be able to sign-up for back in stock notifications again. We think we have the functionality fixed and the page to sign up to be notified for the ROOK Tactical Edition Polymer80 should be live either this evening or early tomorrow.
In other news our new CNC machine is now ready to run and we are in the process of getting tooling figured out for our first parts!!!
That's all for now folks...remember...follow the breadcrumbs!
Love Y'all
Missed out again.
Thanks so much for everyone being asleep this go round. Finally scored a couple sets of rear rails. Been trying to get some for 3 months now and up until now I was sleeping. Nope not today. 🤪
Thank You Rook Tactical !! Just scored some rails after waiting for weeks now I can finish my build.